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OK, so you might want to know what I'm working on right now. It's kind of a secret - but secrets are meant to be discovered ( and I HATE keeping them), so I'm going to blab. I have two new books out with NTP in 2025. One is middle grade and I'm bursting to share the title.  I wrote 'SECRET TITLE' ten years ago and it helped me secure my first literary agent. The other is the sequel to Scareground. More news coming on that soon! TRAIN ( a YA sci-fi fantasy) publishes in 2026. It's a climate fiction thriller based on Jule's Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Earth. 

I'm also working on a Gothic chapter book about a cat called Church, a YA dystopian historical fantasy called ARC and a middle-grade Saxon adventure - with mathematics!- called The Village of 42 Degrees. Oh, and I'm working on a new book for OUP.  That's probably far too many stories - and most definitely NOT enough time to work on them all.  I think laughing emojis would work about now...
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